Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This weeks activities...

Here are a list of this weeks activities:

Scripture Class- Lesson 9 Tuesday 9:30 am, Wednesday 7:30 pm Eva Garlick's house.

FHE packets- Tuesday, March 23rd 11:00 Angie Hansen's house. Bring your kids and come visit, and get a great FHE packet that goes along with the ward theme.

Daughters of God Fireside- Thursday 7:00 at the church, Sunday dress. This is for a girls and women over 8 years old.

Humanitarian Project- This week we are focusing on scissors, colored pencils, rulers. We still need a lot of each. As a reminder from the primary:

The Primary Children have been asked to participate in our Stake's humanitarian project by earning money to buy items for the school kits. Senior primary children are encouraged to bring 1-2 children's scissors and 1-2 packs of colored pencils (12/set, 7" pencils). Junior primary children are asked to bring pencil sharpeners, 1x2 inch erasers, and rulers. These items should be turned in by March 28 in the totes that are located just outside of the chapel doors.

Choir- Ladies, our ward choir really needs sopranos. If you can sing, please join us. Allison Owen, Julia Lindsay, and Corinne Selk would really appreciate the help! We practice the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 4:15-5:00 in the RS room. We usually sing the 3rd Sunday and practice before church at 12:15. Here is something to think about, "It would seem that our Creator approves of and would encourage us to develop our creative gifts and talents. In section 46 of the Doctrine and Covenants, we are told to “seek … earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given; … Too often, however, those who possess great talents are selfish and do not use their gifts for the benefit of others. And more importantly, they do not acknowledge that these gifts are God-given." Robert D. Hales

Kara Reese's email address I forgot to send it with the email about pictures of moms for primary!

We hope you have a great week!
The Relief Society Presidency

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