Sunday, June 19, 2011


* TODAY! June 20th- Quilting Day 9:00-11:00 am on Erica Bowman's back patio.
*Grab a waterbottle and lace of those shoes for our next Relief Society Meeting!
This Thursday, June 23rd
Meet at the church at 6:30 p.m. and we will caravan together.
We will be going on an easy hike up to a waterfall above Pleasant Grove (it's 1.2 miles).
There will be treats afterwards at the base of the hike.
Please Note: There will be NO children's class this evening.
It will be fun. Hope to see you all there!
If you want more information on the hike they can go to this website:
*These families are in charge of cleaning the church this Saturday June 25th at 2 p.m.- Hampton, Reese, McDonald, Barney, Blackhurst, Speirs, Mansfield, Bunker.
*Food Storage- We are going to start focusing on how to better use and rotate food storage. Please send us your great recipes that use food storage items! And, we don't just mean beans and rice! If you have anything great just reply to this email with your recipe. Thanks!
* Back to the Basics Challenge-

President Boyd K. Packer taught, “Our physical body is the instrument of our spirit.” (Gospel Principles, p. 171). We need to take care of our physical bodies so that we can enhance our ability to receive and act upon spiritual promptings.

This month, consider one way you can improve your physical fitness and decide how you will implement this healthy habit into your daily routine. Then, notice how efforts to improve your physical health have an effect on your spiritual well-being.

*Lesson for Sunday- TOT "Be Thou and Example of the..." Nov. '10 p. 47

Have a great week!

The Relief Society Presidency

Monday, June 13, 2011


*2nd annual Patriotic Pancake Breakfast At the Bunker's! Saturday June 18, 9:00 am. Flag Ceremony Promptly at 9:00 pancakes to follow. Bring your blankets and camp chairs. Everyone is welcome!

* June 20th- Quilting Day 9:00-11:00 am on Erica Bowman's back patio.
*June 23rd- Relief Society Acitvity - We are going to go on a hike! It is an easy hike that everyone can do, bring your own water! Meet at the church at 6:30. See you there!
*Food Storage- We are going to start focusing on how to better use and rotate food storage. Please send us your great recipes that use food storage items! And, we don't just mean beans and rice! If you have anything great just reply to this email with your recipe. Thanks!
* Back to the Basics Challenge-

President Boyd K. Packer taught, “Our physical body is the instrument of our spirit.” (Gospel Principles, p. 171). We need to take care of our physical bodies so that we can enhance our ability to receive and act upon spiritual promptings.

This month, consider one way you can improve your physical fitness and decide how you will implement this healthy habit into your daily routine. Then, notice how efforts to improve your physical health have an effect on your spiritual well-being.

*Remember Father's Day is this Sunday!

*Lesson for Sunday- GP #34 Developing Our Talents

Have a great week!

The Relief Society Presidency

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This weeks announcements...

*** Tomorrow! Thursday May 26th 7:00- We will not be holding a regular RS Activity, but will be getting together at the church to tie quilts for our humanitarian efforts. Come join us for a relaxing evening of service and visiting!!!

*These families are in charge of cleaning the building this Saturday May 28th at 9:00- Owen, S. Smith, Anderson, Poppinga, Bentley, Bonsteel, D. Smith.

* Back to the Basics Challenge- The world would like us to believe that the requirements for self-worth are beauty, youth, wealth, and success. But as Patricia Holland, former counselor in the Young Women general presidency, counseled women college students “[we are] becoming so concerned about having perfect figures, or straight A’s, or professional status, or even absolute motherly success that we are being torn from our true selves. We often worry so much about pleasing and performing for others that we lose our own uniqueness, that full and relaxed acceptance of ourselves as a person of worth and individuality.” (“The Soul’s Center,” given at a BYU devotional 13 January 1987.)

We all need to learn to recognize our worth to the Lord. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “We are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:16–17.) That is the foundation upon which we should base our individual “worth”—not on what the world might think of us. (from 1989 V.T. message "The Worth of Souls Is Great")

This month, we challenge you to think about your potential as a Daughter of God and look for the qualities that He sees in you. Write your thoughts in your journal.

*Lesson for Sunday- 5th Sunday combined meeting

Have a great week!
The Relief Society Presidency

Monday, May 16, 2011


*These families are in charge of cleaning the building this Saturday May 21st at 9:00- Miner, Kinder, Greenland, Jackson, B. Barlow, Brown, Murdock
*THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK everyone who helped and attended last month's evening activity. A big THANK YOU to Erica Bowman and Mary Bowman for teaching us the one hour bread method, and all the fun things you can make with this basic recipe. To Jodie Monson who demonstrated her awesome salsa. To Cami Speirs and Brandi Hawkins for their fun hair class. And to Shannon Abbott for showing us how to make trendy fabric tote bags and flower bracelets. We so appreciate you sharing your talents with us! We had such a great turnout and it was tons of fun to have the Young Women with us. It was such a great time together!
And THANK YOU to everyone who brought a talent to display. It was neat to have a large grouping of such varied talents, which helped us to learn more about each other.

Please Note: It was discovered during Erica's bread class that part of the recipe was scrambled when it came across through the e-mail and was then copied this way. We will put the correct recipes, as well as Jodie's salsa recipe, on our RS blog and make copies to put in the binders that circulate on Sundays.

May 26th 7:00- We will not be holding a regular RS Activity, but will be getting together at the church to tie quilts for our humanitarian efforts. Come join us for a relaxing evening of service and visiting!!!

* Back to the Basics Challenge- The world would like us to believe that the requirements for self-worth are beauty, youth, wealth, and success. But as Patricia Holland, former counselor in the Young Women general presidency, counseled women college students “[we are] becoming so concerned about having perfect figures, or straight A’s, or professional status, or even absolute motherly success that we are being torn from our true selves. We often worry so much about pleasing and performing for others that we lose our own uniqueness, that full and relaxed acceptance of ourselves as a person of worth and individuality.” (“The Soul’s Center,” given at a BYU devotional 13 January 1987.)

We all need to learn to recognize our worth to the Lord. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “We are the children o: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:16–17.) That is the foundation upon which we should base our individual “worth”—not on what the world might think of us. (from 1989 V.T. message "The Worth of Souls Is Great")

This month, we challenge you to think about your potential as a Daughter of God and look for the qualities that He sees in you. Write your thoughts in your journal.

*Lesson for Sunday- TOT "The Transforming Power of ....."

Have a great week!
The Relief Society Presidency

Monday, May 9, 2011


*These families are in charge of cleaning the building this Saturday May 14th at 9:00- Rolapp, Dennis, Westcott, Sandstrom, Hawkins, *Monson, Gibson, Heath
*Fathers and Sons- May 13th and 14th at Mutual Dell.
*ALL RELIEF SOCIETY SISTERS will be singing in Sacrament meeting this Sunday. We are singing "As Sisters in Zion", please join us!
*If any of you know of any summer job availablity for the youth in our ward, please respond back to this email and we will pass the information along. Thanks!

*Trek Registration Night is this Tuesday May 10th from 7-9 at the church for all youth going on Trek and their parents. TREK - ALL YOUTH and ADULTS going on trek need to register and fill out a medical form ASAP-- ( must be done prior to May 10th). THey can go onto the website for info. Visit the stake trek blog to find out more information about trek.

*We know that not all of you sisters have had the opportunity to share your testimonies in the traveling scriptures we will be presenting to the graduating Laurels in the next few weeks, and we're running out of time!. If you haven't yet had this chance, please email with your favorite Book of Mormon scripture and a brief testimony to be included with your scripture. Carrie will print it out, mark your favorite scripture, and include your testimony inside the Book of Mormon to give to one of the Laurels at the beginning of May. The Young Women who will be receiving one of these books are: Hannah Abbott, Nicole Shumway, and Katelyn Smith. Thank you for your willingness to take a few minutes of your day to do this. It will be a great opportunity to share with these young women a little about yourself, and we hope it will be a treasured gift for them.

*We are in need of donations to purchase the batting for the quilts we are trying to put together for our ward. If you are willing to donate, please let Alice Childs know. Also, if you would be willing to help sew a quilt or take one home to tie it please contact Mary Bowman- 369-7331 Thanks!
* Back to the Basics Challenge- The world would like us to believe that the requirements for self-worth are beauty, youth, wealth, and success. But as Patricia Holland, former counselor in the Young Women general presidency, counseled women college students “[we are] becoming so concerned about having perfect figures, or straight A’s, or professional status, or even absolute motherly success that we are being torn from our true selves. We often worry so much about pleasing and performing for others that we lose our own uniqueness, that full and relaxed acceptance of ourselves as a person of worth and individuality.” (“The Soul’s Center,” given at a BYU devotional 13 January 1987.)

We all need to learn to recognize our worth to the Lord. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “We are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:16–17.) That is the foundation upon which we should base our individual “worth”—not on what the world might think of us. (from 1989 V.T. message "The Worth of Souls Is Great")

This month, we challenge you to think about your potential as a Daughter of God and look for the qualities that He sees in you. Write your thoughts in your journal.
*Lesson for Sunday- GP #32 Tithes and Offerings.
Have a great week!
The Relief Society Presidency

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

this weeks announcements...

* Here is the link to the video Allison Day shared at our Relief Society Activity for any of you interested-
*These families are in charge of cleaning the building this Saturday the 7th at 6:15 p.m. Reese, Barney, Ostler, *Speirs, Hatch, Howell, K. Smith, M. Barlow, Merrell, Ouimette.
*Fathers and Sons- May 13th and 14th at Mutual Dell.
*If any of you know of any summer job availablity for the youth in our ward, please respond back to this email and we will pass the information along. Thanks!
*TREK - ALL YOUTH and ADULTS going on trek need to register and fill out a medical form ASAP-- ( must be done prior to May 10th). THey can go onto the website for info. Visit the stake trek to find out more information about trek.

*The ward is putting together a book of advice for the graduating seniors in our ward. That includes: Hannah Abbott, Nicole Shumway, and Katelyn Smith. If you have advice to share please make it 500 words or less and send it to Shad Vick at

*We know that not all of you sisters have had the opportunity to share your testimonies in the traveling scriptures we will be presenting to the graduating Laurels in the next few weeks, and we're running out of time!. If you haven't yet had this chance, please email with your favorite Book of Mormon scripture and a brief testimony to be included with your scripture. Carrie will print it out, mark your favorite scripture, and include your testimony inside the Book of Mormon to give to one of the Laurels at the beginning of May. The Young Women who will be receiving one of these books are: Hannah Abbott, Nicole Shumway, and Katelyn Smith. Thank you for your willingness to take a few minutes of your day to do this. It will be a great opportunity to share with these young women a little about yourself, and we hope it will be a treasured gift for them.

*We are in need of donations to purchase the batting for the quilts we are trying to put together for our ward. If you are willing to donate, please let Alice Childs know. Also, if you would be willing to help sew a quilt or take one home to tie it please contact Mary Bowman- 369-7331 Thanks!
* Back to the Basics Challenge- The world would like us to believe that the requirements for self-worth are beauty, youth, wealth, and success. But as Patricia Holland, former counselor in the Young Women general presidency, counseled women college students “[we are] becoming so concerned about having perfect figures, or straight A’s, or professional status, or even absolute motherly success that we are being torn from our true selves. We often worry so much about pleasing and performing for others that we lose our own uniqueness, that full and relaxed acceptance of ourselves as a person of worth and individuality.” (“The Soul’s Center,” given at a BYU devotional 13 January 1987.)

We all need to learn to recognize our worth to the Lord. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “We are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ.” (Rom. 8:16–17.) That is the foundation upon which we should base our individual “worth”—not on what the world might think of us. (from 1989 V.T. message "The Worth of Souls Is Great")

This month, we challenge you to think about your potential as a Daughter of God and look for the qualities that He sees in you. Write your thoughts in your journal.
*Lesson for Sunday- Presidency Message- we will all be combined in the Relief Society Room!
Have a great week!
The Relief Society Presidency

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

More Announcements...

Our Relief Society Activity is Thursday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Relief Society Room. We are so excited to have our Young Women join us for this all women 12 and up are invited!! It will be an evening of "talent sharing" including 4 mini classes: bread making taught by Erica Bowman, salsa making taught by Jodi Monson, a hair class taught by Cami Speirs, and sewing taught by Shannon Abbott. There will be yummy food to taste and an on time prize. Children's class provided.
****Also, we wanted to display some talents of Young Women and Relief Society ladies in our ward. If you would be willing to have an item that displays one of your talents to share this evening, please e-mail Shirlene Barlow at or call her at 766-4504. We would just ask that you bring it 5 minutes early. There will be cards provided to fill out to set by your item to identify it. These items could be anything from scrapbook pages, floral arrangement, sewed item, Family History book, quilt, holiday banner, hair accessories, jewelry, bottled or canned items, etc. etc. Anything goes, and you're all talented, so it will be fun to see! The Young Women are invited to participate in the display as well.
This will be a fun evening that we can share together. Hope to see you there!!!!!
ALSO-ALL YOUTH and ADULTS going on trek need to register and fill out a medical form ASAP-- (must be done prior to May 10th) Go to