Monday, November 22, 2010

This weeks announcements...

1. Ward Christmas Party December 4th, 6:30 at the church. We will be having dinner, and doing some serivce projects. We will be putting together food boxes for the Native American serivce project, tying quilts, and there will some activities for the children. We will also be writing letters to the misisonaries in our ward. If you would like to bring some money that night to dontate for care packages for the missionaries, that would be great! Look for sign-ups at church for food to bring for the Native American Food Boxes. It will be a great evening, see you there!

2. Visiting Teaching- All of the assignments have been handed out. If you didn't receive yours, please contact Alice Childs. We are asking that if you can't make a visit this month, that you at least make some sort of contact with your sisters. Thanks!

3. This is a great thought from our lesson in Relief Society yesterday taught by Sandy Howell.
You have the spirit when . . .
You feel happy and peaceful.
Your mind is clear and confident.
You are not easily offended.
You are friendly and helpful toward others.
You are positive and optimistic.
You rejoice in the success of others.
You willingly serve and attend to church callings.
You are in control of your appetites and emotions.
You are mindful of the Savior and desire to pray.
You feel an eagerness to read the scriptures.
You strive to obey the Lord’s commandments.

4. Next week's lesson- TOT "Preparation Brings Blessings" Ensign May '10 pg. 18.

5. Have a great Thanksgiving! Enjoy the time with your families!

Have a great week!
The Relief Society Presidency

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