Monday, August 10, 2009

Enjoying Motherhood.

Any great ideas on avoiding burnout? Raising children for me is a difficult task and I don't find myself enjoying the ride as much as I should. I often feel that I was probably better suited for working outside the home, even though I have been a stay at home mom for 10 years. I know it's the better and right way, any ideas to simply enjoy my job as a mother more? Sister A

Being a mother and a wife are two of the most complex careers a woman engages in so it takes a foresighted woman to avoid burnout . My own experience has shown that a woman must take care of herself first if she is to survive and thrive through the challenges of marriage, childbearing, and child-rearing. I suggest a restructuring of your day to include (at the beginning or near the beginning) four vital areas of focus for personal fulfillment and capacity. I call these the essentials to start the day RIGHT.

Scriptures, prayer, and journaling – Somehow giving the Lord a few minutes at the beginning of the day to recalibrate your goals and desires to His own makes all the difference. Seeking His help, reading His manual, and writing out your own feelings are critical to perception and balance.

Sweat – everyone needs to move their bodies. This might be simply running up and down the stairs ten times when you first wake up because you can’t leave your home (bad weather, tiny baby, sleeping children). It might mean a more lengthy absence from the home, but it doesn’t need to be fancy or long to wake up your soul.

Sweet – shower and dress in nice clothes. (Get rid of your uglies. We all have them and they are depressing. Dress up for your children and especially your husband because they are your highest priority. I don’t mean fancy clothes, I just mean your pretties casual clothes. Then brush your hair nicely and add happy lipstick.)

Smile – you are the one that creates the tone of today. With your own needs fulfilled, you will find it easier to take care of others’ needs. (And remember to say to yourself, “I am awesome and I’m going to have an awesome day!”)
Yes, this means getting up a bit before the rest of the family so you are set and ready for them when they arise. Alternately, you might give your spouse stewardship over the family for the first half hour of the day so you can attend to your needs. When this is not possible, get everyone up and gone that is leaving and then take care of your own needs first. It seems backwards and on occasion you will still be in your pajamas at dinnertime, but for the most part get ready for the day at the beginning of the day. Burnout will lessen when you are ready to meet the challenges head on and motherhood will always be more enjoyable.

Take care now, Sister M

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